Welcome and Thank You for visiting App Savvy Mama!!
I'm Cecelia, a stay-at-home mom of two beautiful children, 2 year old boy and 8 month old baby girl.
I love all things free or cheap, and I love love LOVE my iPad and iPhone!!
Over time I have found some great Apps that I often catch on sale or even FREE.
There is a world of FREE and useful Apps out there and I want to share them with you. I also find FREE E Books for Kindle and other reading Apps.
I am always on the prowl for anythng FREE, so if I find other great Freebies I will be sure to share!
Also, make sure to look out for FREE giveways that I might host!!!
I hope you all enjoy my finds!!
My Mission:
To inform people of the many FREE and useful Apps and E Books available to help in your everyday lives! To share ideas on how Apps and can used. To share anything else I find that is FREE and useful..